Thursday, April 14, 2016

African Queen Mother is the Head of all Monarchs

As we enter into the new Millennium more gifts of knowledge are promised to us. An awakening of African people and a raising of our vibrational frequency.  Steady encouraging us to know one day we will rise supreme again. There's something missing in the conscious world of Africans and that is a singleton event that would unite our forces planetary wide. As a man, I have been blessed to live in an oppressive nation, oppose its lack of values, injustices and unnatural order yet still breathe this air. Yet I am just a man and being that I have but little time like all men. If there is something I would like to see, that is justice planet wide. First the justice for women, African women. There is no greater lost to African women than the right of authority given to by the Divine and taken by man. The first monarchs were women,  a long line of Queen Shebas, an ancient royal bloodline. It was said the Africa race was born by the Gods, that powerful cosmic beings came from the heavens and created the African race. These beings that the Yoruba call, "Irunmole", lived on Earth as human beings. They were the first royal family and they used their DNA to create a ruling class that would last eternity for Africa. Very few people in Africa can honestly claim they are related to this royal bloodline. But this royal bloodline connects all the royal houses in Africa, at least on the paramount level of royalty, as some kings and chiefs are elected from the common people. But the paramount like the royal house of Oyo and Ile Ife are all descendants of ancient African bloodlines from East Africa. 

The great scholar and freedom fighter Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop stated that it was an honor in among African royal families to claim bloodline descent from Nubia, also known as Kush and Ethiopia. This is where confusion begans as most have been taught that modern Ethiopia is the land of Kush but it is not true. The Land of Kush which give birth to Egypt is the present Sudan, which is now South Sudan. What a helluva legacy to be robbed of? The people of South Sudan don't fit the mulatto version of the Egyptians and modern Ethiopians we are so used to seeing in pictures and relating them to the real Kushites. But didn't the Kushites refer to their God, "Amon Ra", as the blue black God? The people of South Sudan are the creators of Egypt and their queen, Queen Sheba, a long line of matriarchal rulers, were the first throne. In fact, when men started to be crowned kings by the Queen Mother they wore dresses as a symbol of their authority. This is because the first monarchs all the way back to the Irunmole were women. Yes, I did say it. The first monarchs were African women who crowned their sons. All of these sons went on to form their own kingdoms and empires. The institution of the queen mother isn't a new thing it was the oldest institution in all of Africa. 

Sango is my orisha and Sango doesn't lie. I can't tell a lie as Sango will not visit me or even shun me. But there is a story of Sango abusing Oba, his first royal wife, Queen Mother of Oyo.

  Sango had 3 wives, Oba, his first and legitimate wife, Oshun, his second wife, and Oya his concubine and the only one of his wives that he made his queen. At that time and in that place they would live in a compound. In that compound, Shango had his own house and each wife had her own house surrounding his. He would then visit his wives in their houses to eat and to sleep with them. Obahow she kept Shango so happy. Oshun, being asked this, was filled with resentment. As children of the first wife, Oba's children would inherit Shango's kingdom. Her children would not have nearly the same status, being born from his concubine. She decided to play a trick on Oba, out of jealousy. She told Oba that many years ago she had cut a small piece of her ear off and dried it. From this she made a powder she would sprinkle on Shango's food. As he ate it, she told Oba, Shango would desire the food and Oshun all the more. Oba, excited by this information, ran home to prepare Shango's amala, his favorite meal. Once it was done she decided that if a little piece of Oshun's ear produced such an effect her whole ear would drive Shango mad with desire for her and he would forget Oshun forever. She sliced off her ear and stirred it into Shango's food. When Shango came to eat he sat down and began eating without looking at his dish. When he finally glanced down he saw an ear floating in the stew. Shango, thinking Oba was trying to poison him, drove her from his house. Oba ran from the compound, crying, and fell to earth to become a river, where she is still worshipped today. As an Orisha she is the patron of matrimony and is said to destroy marriages that abuse either partner. 

The above story is a mythical one, A story that doesn't look good for Sango. But I can assure you there is an explanation. This story is about male Kings, which all kings are males, becoming the monarch as opposed to the female, queens. Going back in African history Queens ruled and this may have been true for the Yorubas and many African kingdoms. But now the males/kings were becoming the norm so the queens were ran out per see. This story tells a history of power changing in Yoruba people. First off, Oduduwa the Yoruba King who left Egypt for Ile Ife, did so about 2000 some years ago, the Yorubas have been in Ile Ife about 2000 some years. The dynasty of Oyo is about that old. Oduduwa brought with him the staff of Queen Sheba, a symbol of royal authority, a birth right of his family as Oduduwa was a son of Queen Sheba's line. Many African kingdoms, from Nupe, Hausa, Cameroon Kings, to Mali, Dogon, etc, would have had a symbol of something showing this royal bloodline descent to the first throne, the Queen of Sheba. 

This is the true history of Africa and what connects all the branches of royal houses in Africa. I know what you're thinking, that colonial states are what matters now. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Africa the people respect the state but fear the kings because behind the kings are the ancient orders like Ogboni and Wado of West Africa. Tradition is what matters most in Africa. Our enemy would like for us to think otherwise and reject the authority of the elders. But we know better than that now. 

The people of Sudan are too be respected for being the first royal house of Africa.

These are real Kushites

These are mulattoes

Dr John Henrik Clarke - White Supremacy's "Mulatto" Factor

It is important to know the role the mulatto, sometimes innocent, sometimes patriotic to Africa and sometimes worst than the invaders. It was mulattoes who controlled Lower Egypt and practiced the perversions brought by invaders that we see in the Turin Erotic Papyrus not the darkskin Nubians who fought against such perversions. Alot of African Diaspora including African Americans are mulattoes so its hard to get used to the fact of what you are! Not to say you aren't African, as all people in the world are Africans. But when it comes to historical correction, mulattoes aren't the people of Amon Ra the blue black God. The dark blue black people of Sudan are the real people of Amon Ra. When you correct the history you can began to see how all of Africa connects not just how mulattoes connect. When you tell the whole truth everybody heals. 

Yes Mulattoes existed in Ancient Egypt too!
But they were the not rulers, the Nubians/Sudanese were the rulers.

So here is the Queen of Sheba again, her bloodline descent who is South Sudanese. 

H.I.M Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen Shebah III

H.I.M Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen Shebah III - Nubian-Kushite Kingdoms Nations Imperial Matriarch and
Head of the African Continent Kingdoms Federation - A.K.F

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen Shebah III is the Nubian Nations Imperial Matriarch and African Kingdom Federation -Leader/Head. The Sovereign Imperial House of ‘Ra 82nd Throne Generation and 49th Asere - Isis 18th Dynasty lines Throne Generation descendent of Shebah I, Queen Pharaoh/Matriarch Shebah III (1963-AD) of the Throne of Pharaoh TAO III (1801/1858 -1939 AD) of the Throne of Nubia/Sheba.

The 2nd Millennium 7th Dynasty First Matriarch: (/2000 AD) lines, Last Queen Pharaoh heiress of the - Late 1st Millennium AD 6th Dynasty throne: (1964/2000 AD) and 49th Throne Generation First Matriarch of the 7th Millennium 7th Dynasty of Shebah I. - Imperial Empress Shebah Deb`Ra Amelia Kas-Ambu `Ra/Shin Bet Ayin: Empress of the Imperial Nubia-Kush/Egypt Empire Kingdoms Lines Queen of Nubia - Queen of Sheba (1963 - until present time).

SHIN BET AYIN - SHEBAH - meanings: - "The Promised"/Seven times Seven/ the Morning Star or Star of Isis/White or Fair-Hair/Goddess. (No: 17 on Asere-Isis Bloodlines Genealogy Chart) Imperial Empress (Queen Pharaoh) Shebah III (No: 17 on Asere-Isis Bloodlines Genealogy Chart) the Queen of Sheba of the 2nd Millennium/7th Dynasty Throne of the House of Sheba of the Throne of Nubia - Kush and the Empire Throne of Horus-Aha and the Throne of Narmer Kingdoms of the Kingdom of Sheba of Nubia-Kush of the House of Sheba of the Imperial Throne of Isis and Asere, Grand-Daughter of late 1st Mil.6th Dynasty/2nd Mil.7th Dynasty Matriarch Imperial Empress Iris Meryre II the Queen of Sheba.

(No: 16 on Asere-Isis Bloodlines Genealogy Chart)Short Biography: - Empress Shebah `Ra - Queen Shebah III Her Imperial Majesty Imperial Empress Shebah `Ra - Queen Shebah III the Imperial Empires Matriarch a Nubian - Kushite was enthroned in 1995, 2000, and 2007 to the respective Empire blood-lines thrones. Uniting the Kasambu'Ra Imperial Matriarchal Line Houses by Royal-Union in 2000 with related family lines Royal House of Kasambu'Ra in Uganda to form again a united House.

The Kingdoms Sovereign Imperial Matriarch H.I.M Empress Shebah `Ra - Queen Shebah III was born on September 19th 1963, holding at birth as future Imperial Matriarch, the title of Imperial Queen, in accordance to tradition. Shebah III is the Sovereign Imperial Empress of the African Nubian Nations Imperial Empire Kingdom of Sheba. The Sheba Imperial Empire Kingdom is the Matriarchal Empire of the Nubian Royal Kingdoms Nation throughout East, West, North, Southern and Central Africa Sheba/Nubia descendent Nubian-Kushite of the Imperial lines descendents Amprofi – Adako lines and related (Ga-Dangbe) descendent Nations Lines of Africa.

H.I.M Empress Shebah `Ra - Queen Shebah III is the first born Grand-daughter of the late Imperial Empire Matriarch Iris Meryre II and descendent Grand-Daughter of the Royal lines of King Abdul Shibah of the Lines of Aye of Kush. Shebah III is of the House of Ra, 2nd Millennium 7th Dynasty Kingdoms Lineage of the Empire Kingdom Lines Nations of Sheba Imperial Empire of the descendent Empires and Royal Kingdoms Nations of Africa, of the House of Ra, Matriarchal Throne Line.

The House of Ra has both Islamic and non-Islamic Kingdom Nations under the Matriarchal Throne. It is from origin traditional spiritual practises and beliefs lines. The Imperial Empire lines are a separate family line/branch of the Thrones Islamic Royal lines of the Kingdom of Nubia descendents of present day Nubia, the lines separated several centuries ago.

The House of ‘Ra: Kasambu'Ra, Amprofi I and Asere-Kpakpatsewe Isis House of Sheba lines summary is over 1500 pages long with full history notes anout 50,000 pages document, the relevant thrones, titles and several 100s of family members of the 82 Dynasties of the; 0/1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Millennium BC Dynastic Period and 2nd Millennium AD Dynasties of Shebah I.

Alongside East and North African Lines Matriarch Shebah III is as well the Empire Amprofi I ‘Ra House Royal Kingdoms in West Africa cross-bordering Ivory Coast, Togo and Ghana, Queen of the Pinango cross-border throne name H.R.M Empress *Abena (YAA) Nyamekye/NyamtchĂ© I.

Abena was the Throne name given in honour of day of coronation, the correct Akan lines Name however is HRM Yaa Nyamekye......
(read more )

As the queen stated not all Sudanese are Muslim or Islamic some of them retained their ATR or African Traditional Religion. Many Yorubas are Muslim and Christian yet still practice their ATR. These is the same all over Africa, a conquered people, trying to maintain their heritage by concealing it under their conquerors mores. We are to give them that respect for enduring. Long live the royalty of Africa.